The Big Hope Letters Project
Hi! What’s going on in your life? For me, a lot of work, a little of playing ball with friends, time with my family, and lots of chocolate! I’ve got a lot of things going on in my life. Sometimes I think maybe too much. I feel overstimulated with news/politics/STUFF TO DO in addition to living life. I’ve realized it is comforting to let go of all the things around me and just find Jesus. I know he’s a part of my life if I invite him in and when I do, Boy! Life really does become much more simple. I can relax knowing he always knows the outcome and things turn out better when I can let go and let God. Jack Cassidy Wrote an amazing song about letting go and Letting God. You can check it out here if you want a quick listen.
I’m certainly not the expert on God or Miracles. I’m probably the most imperfect person you will ever meet. I would like to have some BIG, BOLD IN YOUR FACE miracles happen to me. I see them happening to others, and want so desperately to have a similar experience. Until then, I’m happy to settle in with the little fingerprints of God in my life. I’ve learned that he always gives us what we need when we need it even if we’re expecting something different. He knows best.
As I sit here, contemplating miracles I am realizing how empty this whole project would be without you. This type of project was never meant to be a place just for one person. It’s for all who want to learn to recognize God in our lives. The stories that people have with God are absolutely incredible and are 100% meant to be shared. We all need hope. We all need Jesus. He reaches us in different places, with different experiences meant to lift up not only us, but anyone else who will listen.
Spread the hope with me friends. Let’s share our God journey together. We need a community to grow with. To share with. To love.