
The Unexpected Post-Pornography Blessing

Earlier this month, I shared my testimony about pornography at the pulpit. I felt hesitant because it involved my 20-something son. I had recently had a conversation with him, wherein he said, “I’m thankful for my pornography problem, because I came to Jesus through fighting it. I don’t think I would have built a relationship with Him otherwise.”

This was inspiring to me because his mission was really hard for him and he didn’t love it (although now he is starting to realize what it did for him). But he clearly recognizes the fruits of his pornography battle.

As I shared his insights, I was nervous. (I told the audience that he had had a podcast against pornography, hoping to calm anyone that might feel offended for him). I knew there would be people who wouldn’t understand and might be shocked, but I felt that one particular person in the room needed that testimony. I looked out over the audience as I spoke and saw some young men listening. I thought one of them might be the reason I was feeling drawn to speak.

The next week a friend of mine shared that someone had been aghast that I would say something so private over the pulpit, but I didn’t take offense because I just knew there was a reason.

The third week, Church was canceled because there was a broken water main. My husband and I heard a knock on our door at about the same time church should have started. A man in the congregation had not gotten the memo and went to the building only to discover that church had been canceled. He stopped at our house on the way home.

At first we thought he stopped by to be social, but after some small talk he said, “I stopped by because of your testimony about pornography.” He went on to explain his 30 year struggle and eventual triumph over the life-sucking scourge. He, my husband, and I talked for 2 hours about many things related to overcoming porn with the Lord’s help.

I told him that I had had a very clear feeling that I was bearing my testimony specifically for one person and that I was thankful he spoke to us. It was really sweet to have that feeling validated. I wonder what he will be inspired to do now. It felt like he was at a starting point of some predestined service God had in store for him.
Afterwards, I talked to Ashton just to confess what I said to the congregation. I was a little worried, but he was so open. He said “Good job, Mom. I hope my story helps someone.” It was so cool. He had no shame, only joy that his story might have done some good. Wow, I felt so blessed to have experienced God’s orchestrations!

One Comment

  • Jennie

    Thank you for sharing! Sometimes it’s difficult sharing our problems and yet can’t God make weak things strong? I’m convinced it’s when we hide our problems and keep them secret Satan does his best work. 🙏

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