Hope letters

Hope Through the Pandemic

Today I learned that chocolate prices are going up in January 35%.  As always, my first thought is how are we going to survive another chocolate price hike?  I then remember that the Lord knows me and anyone involved with our little shop and that regardless of what happens, everything will be ok.

You see, four years ago when Covid 19 became a pandemic, we were getting ready for our biggest convention of the year in Seattle.  ECCC.  We were waiting to see if they were still going to do the convention, after finding out that Seattle was ground zero for the virus.  We had spent thousands of dollars preparing for the show, and needed the sales to sustain us through until the next convention.

As a business owner, not only was I concerned about that convention, I was worried about my employees, could I keep up the expenses of a small business without this show, not knowing what was going to happen?  

The night before we were to know the decision on whether or not the show would go on, I had a dream.  In the dream, my dad was there to greet me.  He took me to someone who wanted to see me.  I gladly went with him, so grateful I could see him in my dreams.  It had been over 21 years since he had passed away.  We went to a different part of the house into a room where Jesus was.  I ran to Him and hugged Him,  The love I felt was overwhelming!  He then said “I just want you to know everything will be ok.”  I then woke up.

I knew that morning that the show would be cancelled, even before they announced it.  I felt a calm like I had never felt before.  That hug from Jesus and the feeling that came from it lasted for weeks, and every time I thought to worry, I would feel the warmth and love of the Savior’s arms around me.

It was after this experience we all started to see the miracles at our little shop.  Our convention family stepped up and started ordering online.  They were wonderfully supportive of us.  I remember one day getting an order for $800.00 from one of our convention friends in California.  Sometimes we speculate why they put in a big order and we just assumed maybe it was gifts for the office or friends.  The next month, we got another from the same friend, this time ordering $600.00 in chocolate.  This time, we sent her a little note thanking her for  her order and supporting us.  We asked her if it was for her work.  She sent a message back, letting us know she just wanted to support us and make sure we made it through this hard time.

This was just one miracle.  There were many more that we saw that year.  I am grateful He is there for us in very individual ways. He comforts us, holds us, loves us. He gives us what we need, often through the love of others. Faith is believing there is a God. Hope is that He knows us individually and will help us individually. One by one.

Keep up the Hope friends.


One Comment

  • Kristen Shumway

    I love this because it relates to our jobs. Sometimes we wonder if God wants to be involved in our mundane problems, like those at work. This says yes! He knows what stresses us out and He’s happy to help as needed and when invited.

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