The Change
Last week I called the airlines to get tickets to Seattle for the big convention this weekend. Normally, I’d just go on the app and reserve there, but I had a voucher for $600.00 that I wanted to use. The lady was nice, helped me through it all and reserved the tickets for me.
Fast forward to today. I went on my app to check in early and there was no reservation. I was sure I had seen the reservation last Friday after I got off the call but I had no trips, so on the phone I went.
The first woman I spoke with had no help for me. Without a voucher, she couldn’t research what had happened so I went looking for the voucher. Then, as clear as day, I remembered I threw it out because the flight was confirmed.
As I pondered what to do, I remembered that I had 2 vouchers that I sent pictures of to my daughter so she could use one. I scrolled through my messages and found it. There was one number cut off the end of the voucher, but it was one in nine choices so I felt confident we could figure it out.
I called the airline back and got another nice woman. I went through the story with her and she tried to see what she could find. We went through every scenario. First she thought I might have been scammed. She couldn’t find anything. Then, as she looked, she spotted something. As she dug deeper, she was able to find the voucher. After about an hour and a half, we found the problem and once again, got the tickets for tomorrow. I was so grateful that this lady took the time to figure it out.
If you know me by now, I’m looking for the miracle in this story. Yes, it was amazing that I had taken pictures of the voucher to pass on to her. But what I really saw was something I didn’t expect.
Here I am, going through a frustrating situation, but I wasn’t frustrated. I wasn’t mad. I wasn’t upset or discouraged. I KNEW that the Lord had this in His hands and things would work out the way they needed to.
So many times I think about all the things that I need to change about me. Things that don’t quite measure up to the person I think I need to be. And yet….. Here is God, changing me.
Friends, lean into your relationship with God. Give Him your attention. Focus on Him. Then, watch as he performs a miracle in YOU.