Out of Gas
Sometimes I say in jest, “If I didn’t have bad luck, I’d have no luck at all”, but the truth is I am so lucky, so very blessed with the best family and friends. Last night, I drove to my dad’s home, spent a few precious hours with him, slept, had breakfast with Dad, and then spent the day at a wedding and other festivities. Then I had to drive back to St. George, leaving Lindon at 7:30. On the way back to StG, I did something tonight that I have only done once before in my life. I ran out of gas. Almost to the top of the Scipio hill, the rental car I was driving just slowly came to a stop as I pulled off to the shoulder. I had planned to get gas in Fillmore (3-5 miles ahead) and my gas gauge said I had 27 miles left in the tank as I started up that hill. When the car came to a stop, it still said I had 22 miles to go. (Lesson learned: Don’t trust a gas gauge in a car you don’t know.) I called the rental company and it would be almost two hours before anyone should be there. So I had in the dark with only the moon and headlights to light anything. As I waited, I got several texts indicating the time would be further and further out. I texted and then called my dear friend, who helped me know that everything would be okay and as we talked, I was racking my brain to try to think of anyone. I knew in Fillmore, Utah, when I remembered some lovely friends that I haven’t seen for probably 25 years. I was desperate for help and decided to reach out to them. Jase and Kathy Oliver Stringam didn’t even hesitate, but came immediately to my rescue with 5 gallons of gasoline. They wouldn’t even let me pay for the gas. I feel so profoundly grateful to them for their kind and immediate rescue. It was delightful to catch up with them (even I n the 20 degrees). Love you forever! I’m so grateful to have been watched over and protected last night. |