
Don’t Give Up

There are times I wonder where the miracles in my life are when I’m literally seeing the miracles in others lives.  I have to admit, sometimes I feel forgotten.  Then, as I focus on this thought, I start doubting lots of things, like am I loved?  Why has He turned His back on me?  This self defeating  behavior could go deeper to I’m not worthy.

This is a hard place to be.  We, as children of a loving God, are never forgotten.   We’re in the middle of our trial and that is what we see, feel, hear. The trial is bigger than life.

Sometimes in the chaos, we CAN’T see Him.  It is only after the trial of our faith we can look back and clearly see the fingerprints of God throughout that time and, consequently, our faith increases.

I’m reminded of a cartoon  that was popular when I was a kid.  Tom and Jerry.  In this episode, if I remember right, Tom had an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other.  At all times, he was highly influenced by one or the other.  He had to decide which way to turn.  May I suggest it is the same with us.  There is darkness in this world and as we lean into that darkness, frustration, worry, anger, and even self defeat, we are influenced even more by the dark.  It’s the same with the light.  If we can remember who we are, and, more importantly who our Father is, we invite goodness in, and see His hand in our lives.  

Either way, the choice is ours.

This life is a journey.  We’re never going to be perfect, and, these thoughts will more than once cross our mind.  

Peter walked with Jesus.  He knew Jesus.  And yet, on his journey he sank.  I love how fearless Peter is in asking for help.  And, as soon as he does, Jesus is saving him.

It’s the same with us.  Sometimes recognizing Him in our lives is hard.  Sometimes we don’t see Him in the details.  I promise you, you will.  Don’t give up.  Pick up your scriptures. Pray a little more.  Follow Him a little closer.  Reach your hand out to his children to lift them up.  After the trial of your faith you will find Him once again, maybe knowing Him a little better than you did before.  It’s truly through our trials we grow to become who our Father in Heaven wants us to be.

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