Hope letters

A Prayer of Protection

Our family was headed to spend the weekend with my parents who were living in Providence Utah with us living in West Jordan at the time. 

Before we would leave to go on a trip we would make it a point of praying and asking for safety and protection while doing so. This has proved to be a blessing many times over and I’m very thankful that we have always made a point to do so. 

On this occasion we had made it to Brigham City and stopped at the stop light before starting up the hill that would take us into Sardine canyon. After the light turned green we proceeded to go and noticed a strange sound coming from the bottom of the car. My husband pulled over and looked under the car and noticed that something was hanging loose. We both felt it wasn’t a good idea to proceed to Providence with something hanging like that so we decided to take it to a service station that would be able to fix the car and call for someone in my family to come and pick us up. So we did a U-turn and drove the car to a place where we could get it fixed. 

Because of it being later in the evening the service station was closed for the day so we parked the car and decided to take our family to get some dinner while we waited for someone to come and give us a ride. 

The following day, my husband got a phone call from the mechanic asking him how he was able to get the car to the station. He told the mechanic that he drove it there and parked it. The mechanic didn’t believe him and told him that the part that was hanging and dragging was the part that connects the front wheels to the steering wheel. He asked Wendell to come over and show him how he was able to drive the car that way. When my husband did get to Brigham City where the car was he tried to drive it but it wouldn’t move. 

We were amazed at how we were able to drive our car to a safe place without any harm to us or to anyone else. The Lord does watch over and protect us.

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