
In The Details

I am really lucky to be able to walk to work.  My shop is only a block and a half away from where I live which is a blessing all by itself.  Most of the time I walk to work but on shipping days I drive my Ford to take packages to the post office.

This Monday, I loaded up the Ford and drove the boxes to the post office in the back where we can drop off multiple packages.  Usually I can park my running truck by the bins but this day I parked in a stall.  

I finished unpacking the back and jumped in to start the truck.  Nothing happened.  I had a dead battery.  Then I started realizing that it chugged when I started it heading to the post office so it was coming.  I quickly called my husband and he came over, jump started my truck and got it home.  We got a new battery the next day and now it’s running great again.

Was this a miracle?  Maybe bad luck.  When Paul looked at the battery, he knew exactly what the problem was. The battery was corroding. Such a simple problem we all have probably multiple times throughout our lives.

Fast forward to 3 weeks from now.  This truck would be driving to Seattle full of chocolate for the Emerald City Comic Convention.  What if the truck broke down then?  Can you imagine having to deal with this problem in a different state with others driving the truck?

Could God have foreseen this problem and worked it so that it was a little problem instead of the big one it could have been?

God knows the beginning from the end in our lives.  He knows what is best and orchestrates the best for us.  This doesn’t mean he takes away our agency, nor does He take away the trials if it benefits us.

Simple or Large our problems may be, we can know that He is.  He knows.  He Cares, and He listens.  He loves us and knows what is best for us.


  • Carolyn R Mosier

    I love this. Truly God’s hand is in the details of our lives and if we give pause and look we will see His divine hand just as you did. He will work all things for our good.

  • Karin Reinstein

    Great story of seeing the Bigger picture! And realizing that no matter our circumstances, we have the ability to realize that God is aware of us!

    • Michael Stufflebeam

      That is a great perspective to have on things that happen to us. I’ve been reflecting a lot on the things that are going on around us right now, and it feel very preparatory.

      Our 2014 ford c-max energi transmission died on us 2 weeks ago. 9k to fix or replace… oh well

      That got me into the shop to have our expedition oil changed, but they caught bad breaks, something that wasn’t on my mind, so we got that taken care of before a long road trip.

      We just got back from a trip to Utah to see Krista’s new nephew and baby blessing.

      On the way back Sunday we ended up stopping early because I-80 was closed earlier in the day due to some crashes and winter weather. This put us in Rawlings Wyoming overnight. I had be having some pain in my cheek/gums that was pretty bad, it came to a head that night. After two hours of fretting about going to the hospital, it turns out it was walking distance right behind our hotel…

      Turns out I have an abscess tooth that I get to get pulled here in a few days, the Lord stopped us so we’d be next to the hospital. So I could get on some antibiotics for the rest of the trip home. The local ward wasn’t too far away, and during their sacrament I was able to find a couple of good men to give me a blessing.

      I think the Lord is removing things from our lives and helping us replace them with better things, if we let him. But it may be painful or inconvenient now, but could have been disastrous later.

  • Michael Stufflebeam

    That is a great perspective to have on things that happen to us. I’ve been reflecting a lot on the things that are going on around us right now, and it feel very preparatory.

    Our 2014 ford c-max energi transmission died on us 2 weeks ago. 9k to fix or replace… oh well

    That got me into the shop to have our expedition oil changed, but they caught bad breaks, something that wasn’t on my mind, so we got that taken care of before a long road trip.

    We just got back from a trip to Utah to see Krista’s new nephew and baby blessing.

    On the way back Sunday we ended up stopping early because I-80 was closed earlier in the day due to some crashes and winter weather. This put us in Rawlings Wyoming overnight. I had be having some pain in my cheek/gums that was pretty bad, it came to a head that night. After two hours of fretting about going to the hospital at 3am, it turns out it was walking distance right behind our hotel…

    Turns out I have an abscess tooth that I get to get pulled here in a few days, the Lord stopped us so we’d be next to the hospital. So I could get on some antibiotics for the rest of the trip home. The local ward wasn’t too far away, and during their sacrament I was able to find a couple of good men to give me a blessing.

    I think the Lord is removing things from our lives and helping us replace them with better things, if we let him. But it may be painful or inconvenient now, but could have been disastrous later.

  • Ramona Stirling

    What a wonderful story. I love looking back with hindsight and seeing the Lord’s hand in things that happen. Sometimes they’re just small things, and other times they are life-saving things. I’m so glad everyone in Seattle will get to taste the great chocolate.

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