On Mother’s Day one year my husband unburdened me with my daily tasks and gave me time to do some family history research. I was really making some progress on my family history that I decided to work on it the next day while my boys were playing in their room.
As I was working on it the thought came to me to get the boys some lunch. I looked at the time and it was only after 11 and thought it was too early to feed them lunch. I dismissed the thought and I started on my research.
Not 5 minutes later one of my sons came to me and told me that his younger brother was outside. I was confused because I would have noticed him leaving the house but then he told me that his younger brother had fallen out the window. I quickly ran into the next room and sure enough the window was open and the screen missing.
The boys room was on the second level of the house. There was no buffering if he had fallen except a slight overhang above the garage. He would most likely fall on hard cement. I panicked.
I hurried down the stairs and out the door to where my youngest had fallen and noticed that he was whimpering. I braced myself for the worst as I checked his little body before holding him. Thankfully no bones were broken and then I carefully picked him up. The only injuries I could see were a scraped nose and cheek from sliding down the singles above the garage.
I took him to the doctor to be checked out more and he seemed to be just fine but was told to watch for a concussion. Later that day I also had my friend who’s a nurse come and check him out and she was amazed how well he was doing after such a fall from a 2 story window and landing on cement. Many children in the same circumstance had severe injuries or even died.
I unfortunately learned the hard way of the importance of listening to the promptings even when they don’t make sense.
I am truly thankful he was watched over and I believe carried down from a guardian angel.