Hope letters

Small Blessings

I have the most beautiful tender mercy I thought I’d share with you, prefaced with a little background.  

When I go to church every week, I always just slip in the back usually because I’m either right on time, or slightly late and can avoid any kind of disruption of the worship walking in front of people, having people scoot over, etc.  In the back of the church, the chairs are hard, with the softer benches at the front of the chapel.  They are uncomfortable!  There have been more than a few times I’ve complained to my friend how hard the chairs are, longing for padded chairs.

This morning, as I slipped in the back to sit in my usual chair, something was different.  In a sea of hard chairs, there was one padded chair right where I usually sit, like the exact seat. The ONLY padded chair in the back part of the church! I thought maybe my friend had put it there just for me, but that day she wasn’t there. I’m confident there was no one around to hear me complain about a hard seat, except my friend, Moreover, not one person ventured to the padded chair. It was there just for me.

Heavenly Father left me a little message that day.  He let me know that He was aware of me, that He loved me, and that He could provide me comfort while I worshipped Him.  Of that I am grateful!

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