Plant The Seed
Sometimes I wish I could just snap my fingers and have what I need. The answer to a long sought after question. The knowledge on how to create something amazing the first time, like knowing the seeds I plant this spring will all grow into an amazing garden.
There is power in learning little by little and growing your faith by small means. The more you practice, the better you get at having faith, the more you see Him in your life.
First of all, I’m a YES girl. I always have been. So when a client asks me to do something in chocolate, I will say yes and then try my hardest to make it amazing.
This order from a client was a brand they wanted on chocolate. They wanted 100 bars so I quickly mocked up one just to make sure I could do it and sent them a picture. It was an immediate yes. BUT they wanted it on green chocolate, the color of their brand. I thought I had a good plan. I had seen other chocolatiers do it, and it always seemed to turn out amazing, so I got to work to create what she wanted. Two weeks later, I still didn’t have a method that would work, let alone any chocolate bars . I tried everything that I could think of. Then, to add insult to injury, she messaged me and let me know she needed 175, and instead of Saturday, she wanted them Thursday. I literally had 2 days to get them made.
I went home that night, defeated. (Insert snapping fingers here)!! I really had done everything I knew how to do. I felt like calling her and cancelling, but I’m the yes girl.
I finally let it go. I asked Heavenly Father for help. The next morning, I had a thought. I could order a specific mold from a company we use regularly. As I ordered the mold, other impressions on how to complete this order were popping into my mind. I knew that God had the answer and I could feel the peace that came with these suggestions.
Needless to say, the mold came in, the bars were built, and her order was picked up. They came out perfect.
Not every story turns out amazing, or even how we want it to turn out. I’m grateful that over the years, I’ve learned to trust Heavenly Father and what He has in store for me. He knows what is best. The more you lean into your relationship with Him, the more your faith in Him grows, the more you see Him in your life.
The seeds you grow today are the trees you have in the future. Start growing your relationship with Him. Then, when you need the strength of the tree of your faith, He is there.
Have an amazing week friends!