Collecting Pearls of Wisdom
Do you love our new Logo? It’s two hands holding many pearls of different sizes and colors. And why pearls? Because pearls are beautiful treasures that arise out of difficulty.
So often, miracles–blessings, tender mercies, providence–come when we are in difficulty. When we call out to Him, God often gives us enough strength to smooth over the rocks in our lives. He doesn’t remove the difficulties, but he helps us through.
If we choose to seek and remember these interactions, we can have a collection of memories, pearls of wisdom and tenderness. Treasuring up His miracles creates a cumulative string of pearls ~ an assurance that those experiences treasured and collected from the past promise a similar pattern of help to come.
Remembering is important. If you’re a journaler, you may have reread forgotten experiences that would have been completely lost had you not recorded them. How many mistakes do we remake because we forget the earlier consequences? It’s a great investment in your future to record what you learn as you learn it!
God is so amazing that He can even make miracles out of mistakes. When we are in despair, we cry out to the Lord. Our desperation focuses our prayers and intensifies our desires, and in this state, we are prepared to receive and listen. Isn’t that a miracle in itself? Our Father responds, not usually with solutions, but with insights, perspectives, and ideas, and even sometimes, just peace, silently accompanying us, like a friend offering support.
Let’s glorify God by collecting these pearls. Let’s share them so everyone can learn the art of recognizing them and then remembering them for their own joy.
Pearls of great price few and far between,
The intensity of the Spirit,
In a world of turmoil.
For a few minutes,
Or a few months,
God is close.
Hold them dear and treasure them
Wear them every day
to remind you that
God has acted
and will act
in your life.
These delicate beauties are not of this world
But of the world to come;
mementos of the past,
promises of the future
without a veil.
One Comment
I love this poem! It’s so easy to forget God in the good and the bad times and yet he is constant through them all. We just don’t realize it. REMEMBERING is the key.