He Knows What We Need
I had my little dog, Lilly, for 18 years. Her kidneys were failing, so it was only a matter of time before I lost her. Since I had lost Kris in June, I didn’t know how much more loss I could take in just a few month’s time. I was thinking about the dogs I would get when Lilly passed on. The vet suggested I put Lilly down because she wouldn’t last long. She actually got a second wind after being hospitalized for 3 days. She was with me 3 months longer than the vet thought she would last! Let me tell you, I really needed that extra time with her, God knows!!!
So I went on a trip to Southern California for a few weeks. I mentioned to my friend, Sue, that I was thinking of possibly getting two, small, bonded dogs. So Sue kept looking online at the animal shelters in the area. She found a bonded pair and said, “Look at these!” They were two adorable, small, dogs. They were brothers that were 3-year-olds that couldn’t be separated. They were at the SPCA right in the town we were in. I immediately said that I wanted to see these cute, little, chihuahua mix boys. So we planned to go first thing in the morning at 8:00.
The next morning, we had a great morning with a wonderful breakfast and great conversation. By the time we got to the SPCA, it was after 10:00. Much later than we planned. We went to the front desk and inquired about the two, small, dogs. The woman at the counter looked them up on her computer and said, “I’m really surprised these two are still here! Small dogs don’t usually last long at all!” We were taken back to the kennel where they were. The tension was high and the barking was deafening. I told my friend I didn’t think I wanted them and just wanted to get out of there. She calmly asked me if maybe we should at least ask to see them in an area away from the chaos. I said okay, but only if they could let us see them soon because I had made plans to see a friend at noon. There was a wait to see the dogs and it was supposed to be longer than I had time for. Sue said, “How bout if we just put our name in to see them and maybe it will be quicker than they think it will be?” So I put our names in. Sure enough, we were called early. We waited in a gaited area away from all the chaos. When the workers brought out the boys, they gave us treats to throw to them. As the boys realized where the treats were coming from, they came up close to us and started taking the treats from our hands. One of them put his paws on my leg and waited for me to give him his treat. I immediately fell in love!!!!
We went to sign paperwork and pay for them. As we loaded them into my car, the parking attendant commented on how we got “the twins!” He also said,”You got them just in time because there is someone just behind you that came to adopt them!”
Sue, who is not religious, but does consider herself spiritual, said,”Maria, I just can’t help but say that this has God’s hand in it! I saw the light in your eyes when you saw these two dogs! This is truly a blessing from God!”

Lisa Thompson
I love how He knows us individually and knows what will bring us comfort and joy! Thank you for sharing!
Rashell Ainsworth
God cares so deeply for us that the things that are important to us are also important to Him. I’m so happy for you and those cute puppies!
Kristen Shumway
This story is 3 pearls in one. Tender mercies of one dog lasting just a little longer. Two dogs that were perfect, whom you found just in time. And lastly, a great friend who helped you obtain the blessing God had prepared for you.