Earthly Angels
Sometimes God uses others to help his earthly family. This day, we were heading home in the van with the family and we noticed the van was making funny sounds. We weren’t very far away from my sister’s home so we headed to their home.They helpfully recommended a mechanic shop we could take our van to, to get it fixed. Thankfully, they had a car that my nephew had just purchased to drive home in.
We were on the freeway just past Salt Lake, when we heard a pop sound that came from the bottom of the car. Both my husband and I looked at each other wondering what that noise was and if we should pull over to check it out. We pulled to the side of the freeway and parked. It was then that we noticed a lady that had pulled up behind us. She frantically told us to get away from the car. I thought how nice it was to have this lady pull over to help us out.
We had the kids get out of the car and go to where the lady was, while the whole time she was still telling us to get away from the car. I calmly let her know that I needed to get my baby out, and then walked over to where the lady was. She then proceeded to tell us that she was seeing flames coming out from the bottom of the car and was afraid it would explode with us in it. She had also called 911 for the fireman to come out.
It finally hit me the danger that our family had been in and was very grateful for the protection of a loving Heavenly Father and a sweet lady who would stop and help us out when we needed it.
She was kind enough to drive us to a friends house who lives in West Jordan and while she was driving us there she told us that she would usually go a different way home rather than the freeway but felt that she needed to go the way she did.
I was very grateful that she listened to the promptings of the spirit and was there when we needed her most.
After she dropped us off at our friends house they were more than willing to help us get back home. I felt bad that my nephew’s car was ruined but was thankful that he didn’t have to experience being in his car when it caught on fire. I never did see flames but was thankful for the protection of the Lord and help of others.