He Knows Best
Late last year I was struggling a great deal in my job as a manager. The stress was becoming too much, and my employees were trying to take advantage of me.
I kept praying that God would find me a new job or position at work where I wouldn’t be in management anymore, but I could still raise my young family.
Things didn’t seem to be going anywhere and so I tried to take matters into my own hands and I asked for a temporary position in a different department as a manager. To my amazement they said yes and I thought it was all I could have wanted especially as it included a pay raise. The employees were great, I knew the work so much better and I felt so much more confident. I thought this was God’s answer to my prayers.
On the first day I started the new position, I received another offer for a manager position in a completely different department. This move would be a permanent change, I wouldn’t make anything more than I was already making, and I would have to go to swing shift. I didn’t know anything about the area. I had heard bad things about the department manager there, and it was a much higher stress environment. It really wasn’t what I wanted and I wasn’t going to accept.
Then came the prompting that I should take that position. I knew that God was encouraging me to accept that offer.
A month after I accepted the position, my work started ending temporary promotions and laying people off. A lot of people lost their jobs in that department. At that moment I was grateful I trusted God, that I was safe, and that I was able to provide for my family.
God knew where I needed to be. He knew what was best for me, even though it wasn’t easy and wasn’t my first choice.